From early port days to intensive excursions, there are many reasons that you may be wondering if you can bring energy drinks with you on your cruise. From Red Bull to Monster, there are many different energy drinks that you may want to bring with you on your cruise. No matter your energy drink of choice, we’ll explore what ships allow you to bring energy drinks with you. Keep reading to see if you can bring energy drinks with you on your next cruise!
Can You Bring Energy Drinks on a Carnival Cruise?
You are allowed to bring energy drinks on your next Carnival Cruise, just as long as you follow a few rules! Carnival requires that you only bring canned energy drinks on board, so leave the bottled energy drinks at home! Any energy drinks you bring must be 12 oz or less as well, so you may not be able to bring large sized energy drinks like Monster on your Carnival Cruise. Finally, you are only allowed to bring 12 energy drinks per person on your Carnival Cruise.
Don’t feel like packing and carrying your energy drinks? There are plenty of options for energy drinks available on board your Carnival Cruise. You can easily find energy drinks like Rockstar and Monster on your Carnival Cruise. Carnival Cruises does not carry some energy drinks like Red Bull, so you’ll have to bring your Red Bull with you if that’s your energy drink of choice!
Keep in mind that energy drinks are only included in certain drink packages on Carnival. You can only get complimentary energy drinks when you have the Cheers Beverage Package. Energy drinks are not included in the Bottomless Bubbles Beverage Package.
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Can You Bring Energy Drinks on a Disney Cruise?
tdlucas5000 on Flickr., CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons,
Yes, you can bring energy drinks with you on your next Disney Cruise! In fact, you can bring as many energy drinks as you want on your Disney Cruise! Although your energy drinks must be unopened and packed in your carry-on luggage. So you can really only bring as many energy drinks as you can pack in your carry-on!
Don’t feel like carrying your energy drinks in your carry-on? You can find energy drinks like Monster for sale on board your Disney Cruise. If you’re looking for energy drinks on your next Disney Cruise, try checking out the cafes and bars!
Norwegian Cruise Energy Drinks
Sea Cow, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons,
Unfortunately, you are not allowed to bring any kind of energy drink with you on your Norwegian Cruise. In fact, you can’t bring any kind of beverage with you on your Norwegian Cruise! That means you have to leave any soda, bottled water, juice, alcoholic beverages, and energy drinks at home!
Don’t worry about missing out on your energy drinks while on your Norwegian Cruise! There are plenty of different options available for energy drinks once you’re on board. You can purchase individual energy drinks or you can get energy drinks included with your Premium Drink Package. However, it seems that Red Bull is the only energy drink that Norwegian Cruises keep stocked on board.
Royal Caribbean
Matthew T Rader,, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Yes, you are allowed to bring energy drinks with you on your next Royal Caribbean Cruise! Just like with Carnival, there are a few rules that you have to follow. However, the rules about bringing energy drinks on Royal Caribbean are a lot less strict than on Carnival!
You are allowed to bring up to 12 cans or bottles of energy drinks on your Royal Caribbean Cruise. Energy drinks brought on Royal Caribbean must be under 17 ounces though! Most energy drinks are less than 17 ounces, but you may not be able to bring some large energy drinks on your Royal Caribbean Cruise.
If you’d rather get your energy drinks on board your next Royal Caribbean cruise, you will have plenty of options. Energy drinks are only included in the Deluxe Drink Package on Royal Caribbean. However, energy drinks can also be bought for 15% off with any Royal Caribbean drink package. Red Bull is typically the main energy drink available on Royal Caribbean Cruises.
No matter your energy drink of choice, you’ll be able to enjoy energy drinks on your next cruise. If you’re cruising with Norwegian, you’ll have to buy your energy drinks on board. You are allowed to bring energy drinks with you on Carnival Cruises, Royal Caribbean Cruises, and Disney Cruises. If you’re planning on bringing energy drinks on your next cruise, keep in mind that each cruise line has different rules about bringing energy drinks! Rather get your energy drinks on board? Check to see if energy drinks are included in the drink package on your cruise!